West side federation of Neighborhood & block associations


Join Us

The West Side Federation welcomes Block Associations, Neighborhood Organizations, Tenant Organizations, Co-ops or Condos or any individual to become a member.

As a member you are invited to attend our monthly board meetings where you can discuss the issues on your block that the Federation can address.  We also have various committees that you can join and work on different issues and projects.  The Federation also gives grants to our members for worthwhile projects that we believe will benefit our community.

If you want a better West Side, please help us to help you by joining the Federation!

Click the box below for our Membership Application.  Please print it, fill it out and mail it along with a check to:

West Side Federation of
Neighborhood & Block Associations
P.O. Box 447
Ansonia Station
New York, NY 10023

Click Here






                                                                    West Side Federation of Neighborhood & Block Associations | Email: westsidefed@aol.com